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The Force Protocol - (FOR) VS Bella Protocol - (BEL) Comparison - All time

"What should I choose?" The Force Protocol or Bella Protocol? Is FOR better than BEL?
Price (USD)
FOR 0.126
BEL 0.629
Market Cap (USD)
FOR 54,978,720
BEL 45,488,803
Available Supply
FOR 438,000,000
BEL 72,274,400
Change 1h %
FOR -2.96399
BEL -0.289544
Change 24h %
FOR -2.40055
BEL 1.25459
Change all %
FOR 17.985
BEL -1042.374

The Force Protocol icon The Force Protocol - (FOR) Winner

The Force Protocol Charts

Bella Protocol - (BEL) Runner-up

Bella Protocol Charts