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Agoras: Currency of Tau - (AGRS) VS DATA - (DTA) Comparison - All time

"What should I choose?" Agoras: Currency of Tau or DATA? Is AGRS better than DTA?
Price (USD)
AGRS 1.921
DTA 0.0000770
Market Cap (USD)
AGRS 57,431,441
DTA 885,790
Available Supply
AGRS 29,892,900
DTA 11,500,000,000
Change 1h %
AGRS 0.424164
DTA 0.0223157
Change 24h %
AGRS 2.49325
DTA 0.0225791
Change all %
AGRS 57.262
DTA -105553.168

Agoras: Currency of Tau icon Agoras: Currency of Tau - (AGRS) Winner

Agoras: Currency of Tau Charts

DATA icon DATA - (DTA) Runner-up

DATA Charts