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HitBTC Cryptocurrency Exchange: Trade Volumes, Pairs and Rates

Showing 1-100 of 1,300 items.

#SymbolVolume 24h (USD)RateVolume %Last Updated
Pos: 1Pair: BTC/USDTVol: 46.49 MRate: 104037Vol %: 18.92 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 2Pair: ETH/USDTVol: 46.45 MRate: 3917.110Vol %: 18.91 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 3Pair: ADA/USDTVol: 30.79 MRate: 1.058810Vol %: 12.53 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 4Pair: BTC/USDCVol: 20.49 MRate: 104012Vol %: 8.34 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 5Pair: AAVE/USDTVol: 15.78 MRate: 383.018000Vol %: 6.42 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 6Pair: SOL/USDTVol: 9.31 MRate: 215.376000Vol %: 3.79 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 7Pair: USDT/USDCVol: 8.9 MRate: 0.999489Vol %: 3.62 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 8Pair: ETH/USDCVol: 7.11 MRate: 3917.410Vol %: 2.89 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 9Pair: XRP/USDTVol: 6.22 MRate: 2.366220Vol %: 2.53 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 10Pair: HBAR/USDTVol: 4.26 MRate: 0.275775Vol %: 1.74 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 11Pair: TRX/USDTVol: 3.14 MRate: 0.278409Vol %: 1.28 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 12Pair: CRV/USDTVol: 2.95 MRate: 1.072360Vol %: 1.20 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 13Pair: LINK/USDTVol: 2.8 MRate: 30.046900Vol %: 1.14 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 14Pair: XLM/USDTVol: 2.68 MRate: 0.409452Vol %: 1.09 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 15Pair: BCH/USDTVol: 2.64 MRate: 525.807000Vol %: 1.07 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 16Pair: UNI/USDTVol: 2.26 MRate: 16.348100Vol %: 0.921 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 17Pair: USDT/DAIVol: 1.97 MRate: 1.000370Vol %: 0.8029 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 18Pair: AVAX/USDTVol: 1.72 MRate: 48.766000Vol %: 0.698 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 19Pair: FIL/USDTVol: 1.61 MRate: 6.509600Vol %: 0.655 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 20Pair: MINA/USDTVol: 1.57 MRate: 0.795800Vol %: 0.638 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 21Pair: SHIB/USDTVol: 1.45 MRate: 0.0000267Vol %: 0.589 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 22Pair: FTM/USDTVol: 1.37 MRate: 1.350000Vol %: 0.557 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 23Pair: LTC/USDTVol: 1.36 MRate: 115.959000Vol %: 0.552 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 24Pair: DOT/USDTVol: 1.32 MRate: 8.693910Vol %: 0.537 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 25Pair: BNB/USDTVol: 1.3 MRate: 707.134000Vol %: 0.529 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 26Pair: NEAR/USDTVol: 1.28 MRate: 6.579420Vol %: 0.519 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 27Pair: SAND/USDTVol: 1.16 MRate: 0.705629Vol %: 0.471 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 28Pair: VET/USDTVol: 1.09 MRate: 0.054626Vol %: 0.445 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 29Pair: XTZ/USDTVol: 1.06 MRate: 1.410260Vol %: 0.431 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 30Pair: DYDX/USDTVol: 973,218Rate: 2.055500Vol %: 0.396 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 31Pair: GALA/USDTVol: 872,654Rate: 0.048178Vol %: 0.355 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 32Pair: EOS/USDTVol: 871,479Rate: 1.021530Vol %: 0.355 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 33Pair: EURS/USDTVol: 784,171Rate: 1.050960Vol %: 0.319 %2024-12-16 11:51:19
Pos: 34Pair: 1INCH/USDTVol: 726,298Rate: 0.481037Vol %: 0.296 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 35Pair: ATOM/USDTVol: 713,601Rate: 8.697480Vol %: 0.290 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 36Pair: ONE/USDTVol: 692,003Rate: 0.031409Vol %: 0.282 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 37Pair: ALGO/USDTVol: 656,866Rate: 0.404646Vol %: 0.267 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 38Pair: ZEC/USDTVol: 585,882Rate: 57.163700Vol %: 0.238 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 39Pair: NEO/USDTVol: 508,465Rate: 17.532000Vol %: 0.2069 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 40Pair: IOTA/USDTVol: 505,798Rate: 0.367686Vol %: 0.2059 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 41Pair: GRT/USDTVol: 479,668Rate: 0.270890Vol %: 0.195 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 42Pair: ICP/USDTVol: 449,402Rate: 12.486000Vol %: 0.183 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 43Pair: BORG/USDTVol: 442,485Rate: 0.377202Vol %: 0.180 %2024-12-16 11:51:22
Pos: 44Pair: THETA/USDTVol: 431,462Rate: 2.588260Vol %: 0.176 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 45Pair: BSV/USDTVol: 404,869Rate: 64.092000Vol %: 0.165 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 46Pair: SRX/XDCVol: 399,867Rate: 1.243210Vol %: 0.163 %2024-12-16 11:51:17
Pos: 47Pair: AXS/USDTVol: 375,378Rate: 7.333030Vol %: 0.153 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 48Pair: TFUEL/USDTVol: 345,105Rate: 0.077994Vol %: 0.140 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 49Pair: CHZ/USDTVol: 328,972Rate: 0.106693Vol %: 0.134 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 50Pair: MKR/USDTVol: 327,470Rate: 1873.270Vol %: 0.133 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 51Pair: BTC/DAIVol: 324,344Rate: 104023Vol %: 0.132 %2024-12-16 11:51:25
Pos: 52Pair: COMP/USDTVol: 271,875Rate: 104.332000Vol %: 0.111 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 53Pair: YFI/USDTVol: 261,788Rate: 10620.60Vol %: 0.1065 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 54Pair: ZIL/USDTVol: 241,486Rate: 0.025994Vol %: 0.0983 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 55Pair: DGB/USDTVol: 211,210Rate: 0.014373Vol %: 0.0860 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 56Pair: EGLD/USDTVol: 204,270Rate: 44.019000Vol %: 0.0831 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 57Pair: ONT/USDTVol: 203,802Rate: 0.267443Vol %: 0.0829 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 58Pair: DASH/USDTVol: 186,159Rate: 44.205800Vol %: 0.0758 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 59Pair: HIT/USDTVol: 174,450Rate: 0.302000Vol %: 0.07100 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 60Pair: MANA/USDTVol: 158,747Rate: 0.590589Vol %: 0.0646 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 61Pair: GHST/USDTVol: 133,304Rate: 1.167880Vol %: 0.0543 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 62Pair: IOST/USDTVol: 110,353Rate: 0.008188Vol %: 0.0449 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 63Pair: XMR/USDTVol: 93,679Rate: 212.320000Vol %: 0.0381 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 64Pair: KMD/USDTVol: 92,777Rate: 0.348035Vol %: 0.0378 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 65Pair: BAT/USDTVol: 90,459Rate: 0.270151Vol %: 0.0368 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 66Pair: SNT/USDTVol: 87,007Rate: 0.053606Vol %: 0.0354 %2024-12-16 11:51:17
Pos: 67Pair: DAI/USDCVol: 64,974Rate: 1.001110Vol %: 0.0264 %2024-12-16 11:51:21
Pos: 68Pair: USDT/IDRTVol: 60,505Rate: 12101.00Vol %: 0.0246 %2024-12-16 11:51:19
Pos: 69Pair: KNC/USDTVol: 58,202Rate: 0.644017Vol %: 0.0237 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 70Pair: ETH/TUSDVol: 52,569Rate: 3902.590Vol %: 0.0214 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 71Pair: VOW/USDTVol: 32,152Rate: 0.094320Vol %: 0.0131 %2024-12-16 11:51:17
Pos: 72Pair: BTC/TUSDVol: 28,712Rate: 103680Vol %: 0.0117 %2024-12-16 11:51:22
Pos: 73Pair: ETH/DAIVol: 21,591Rate: 3916.720Vol %: 0.00879 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 74Pair: SNX/USDTVol: 18,905Rate: 2.809830Vol %: 0.00769 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 75Pair: TONCOIN/USDTVol: 18,053Rate: 6.066260Vol %: 0.00735 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 76Pair: PEPE/USDTVol: 17,269Rate: 0.0000230Vol %: 0.007028 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 77Pair: SRX/USDTVol: 14,890Rate: 0.101455Vol %: 0.006060 %2024-12-16 11:51:17
Pos: 78Pair: KRRX/USDTVol: 12,669Rate: 0.072718Vol %: 0.00516 %2024-12-16 11:51:17
Pos: 79Pair: ARB/USDTVol: 10,684Rate: 0.987600Vol %: 0.004348 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 80Pair: BNB/USDCVol: 9,402Rate: 710.230000Vol %: 0.003827 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 81Pair: WBTC/USDTVol: 8,686Rate: 103638Vol %: 0.003535 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 82Pair: PAXG/USDTVol: 6,036Rate: 2670.550Vol %: 0.002457 %2024-12-16 11:51:24
Pos: 83Pair: OP/USDTVol: 4,695Rate: 2.471000Vol %: 0.001911 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 84Pair: BLUR/USDTVol: 4,512Rate: 0.383390Vol %: 0.001836 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 85Pair: XDC/USDTVol: 3,971Rate: 0.082101Vol %: 0.001616 %2024-12-16 11:51:19
Pos: 86Pair: MTLX/USDTVol: 3,744Rate: 2.512510Vol %: 0.001524 %2024-12-16 11:51:21
Pos: 87Pair: MIMO/USDTVol: 3,690Rate: 0.005451Vol %: 0.001502 %2024-12-16 11:51:25
Pos: 88Pair: KAS/USDTVol: 3,163Rate: 0.150530Vol %: 0.001287 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 89Pair: VRA/USDTVol: 2,484Rate: 0.005808Vol %: 0.001011 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 90Pair: XVG/USDTVol: 2,256Rate: 0.013759Vol %: 0.000918 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 91Pair: LUNC/USDTVol: 2,149Rate: 0.000139Vol %: 0.000875 %2024-12-16 11:51:19
Pos: 92Pair: GLEEC/USDTVol: 1,594Rate: 0.045909Vol %: 0.000649 %2024-12-16 11:51:19
Pos: 93Pair: SOL/USDCVol: 1,409Rate: 215.522000Vol %: 0.000573 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 94Pair: POL/USDTVol: 1,319Rate: 0.594400Vol %: 0.000537 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 95Pair: SUSHI/USDTVol: 1,142Rate: 2.203200Vol %: 0.000465 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 96Pair: SUI/USDTVol: 1,140Rate: 4.652900Vol %: 0.000464 %2024-12-16 11:51:26
Pos: 97Pair: OCC/USDTVol: 1,090Rate: 0.114800Vol %: 0.000444 %2024-12-16 11:51:22
Pos: 98Pair: LUNA/USDTVol: 1,042Rate: 0.541150Vol %: 0.000424 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 99Pair: XLM/USDCVol: 999Rate: 0.409570Vol %: 0.0004066 %2024-12-16 11:51:27
Pos: 100Pair: ICX/USDTVol: 733Rate: 0.210000Vol %: 0.000298 %2024-12-16 11:51:23
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